Mount and blade warband dedicated server
Mount and blade warband dedicated server

mount and blade warband dedicated server

Even team modes like CTF and Battle can feel worryingly close to a Counterstrike match with the ammo removed: everyone scurrying about trying to stick each other in the back with something sharp. People are too spread out, breaking off into little one-on-one or two-on-three micro-battles. All the right bits are there, knights in shining are pinning yeoman to trees, the clash of steel rings out to a counterpoint of pain, arrows rain from the sky, fallen litter the field – all that good stuff, but it's all the wrong shape. One of the first things that strikes a new player joining a public Warband server is that it doesn't look much like a battle. Still, with technical hurdles successfully vaulted we got stuck in to some serious swordplay. A small miracle considering that half an hour before kick off we didn't even have a server or a voice comms channel in place. Despite the fairly predictable chaos of the first meeting we actually did manage to get some sort of organisation going after a few rounds.

mount and blade warband dedicated server

Find out what happened, and how you too can get involved, below.įirstly a huge thanks to the brave souls who showed up last night (around 25 of you at the peak). RPS needs: YOU! We have a new Mount & Blade: Warband dedicated server, and last night brave folk took to its fields to do bloody murder on their fellow man for the first time.

Mount and blade warband dedicated server